Last updated
Last updated
TVL: Total deposited USDT across the protocol
Deposits: Total USDT deposited by the connected account
Withdraws: Total USDT withdrawn by the connected account
Shares: LP shares (ERC20) held by the connected account
Max to Withdraw: Maximum amount of USDT available for withdrawal based on LP shares
Profits:Total profits of the LP (calculated as b + c - e)
Enter deposit USDT amount:
minimum: 100 USDT, maximum: 1,000,000 USDT
6 Digits
Estimate Shares: LP shares received based on EIP4626 calculation of amount input in 1
Type: Choose whether to withdraw based on LP Share or USDT
Amount: Enter the token amount based on the selected type
Est.Amount Receive (if type is share): Projected USDT amount received based on the specified number of shares
Est.Share Spent: Shares that will be spent (burned) for the specified USDT withdrawal amount